Beginning Adult Oil/Acrylic Painting - Mondays 6:30-8:30 pm, March 3-31
Mondays 6:30-8:30 pm
March 3, 10, 17, 31 (no class March 24 for Spring Break)
ages 14+
***Materials for this class are not included unless you purchase the Oil/Acrylic Painting Materials Package***
Our classes are ongoing and students are automatically enrolled every month. Please let us know by the last class of the month if you do not want to continue.
This class will introduce you to the tools and techniques you will need to confidently approach any subject matter using oil and/or acrylic paints. Painting experience is not necessary, and the instructor will meet you where you are at! Students will start by learning basic drawing and painting techniques in grayscale (this can take 1-3 months) and how to render subject matter from life, then advance to creating full color paintings using a variety of techniques that will help each student find their technical and conceptual preference.
Students will learn how to render objects from life in a full value scale, color theory, basic art history, and will gain knowledge on how to use brushes and palette knives in order to create a functioning studio in and out of the classroom. We will discuss the principles of design and elements of art throughout the course where students will have some flexibility in subject matter as they master introductory techniques at their own pace. After creating successful still-life paintings in grayscale and color in the style of their choice, students will be encouraged to explore their individual preferences as a painter in a variety of subject matters, or graduate to the advanced painting class.
Taught by Ariel
Materials Needed for Oils
We recommend Blick Art Materials on 1025 E 2100 S for materials.
Oil Painting Brushes
• Synthetic or sable round 0,1 and 2.
• Synthetic or sable flat 0,1,2 and 3.
• Princeton Real Value Brush Set - 9155, White Taklon, Long Handle, Set of 5
• Small house painting brush for applying gesso, blending.
Paints (Oil, starred paints are optional but recommended)Note: Each student will begin the course in grayscale, where Titanium White and Ivory Black are the only paints needed for several weeks. After completing the grayscale unit, students will be encouraged to purchase a full palette of color paints.
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium YellowNaples Yellow
Yellow OchreLemon Yellow *
Viridian Green
Sap Green *
Phthalo Blue
Ultramarine BlueCobalt Blue
Dioxazine Violet
Paynes Grey *Ivory Black
Titanium White (Recommend a larger tube)
Burnt Umber Burnt Sienna
Raw Sienna *
Walnut Oil (oil paint only)
Turpenoid or Mineral Spirits (oil paint only)
Additional Materials For Oils
Paint mixing palette (oil paint only)pallet knife
small pallet cups for mediums
Old rags (free t-shirts work great for this!)
Jar for paint thinner
Basic drawing material of choice
11"x14" canvas recommendedPad of gessoed canvas paper
With the inclusion of a personal paint apron/smock we recommend wearing clothing that you don’t mind getting paint on.Materials Needed for Acrylic
We recommend Blick Art Materials on 1025 E 2100 S for materials.
Acrylic Painting Brushes
- Angle size 6
- Filbert size 4 and 8
- Flat size 2, 4, 6, 10
- Additionally, get a Blick Wonder White (blue handle) Round 00 for tiny details.
Paints (Acrylic, starred paints are optional but recommended)
Note: Each student will begin the course in grayscale, where Titanium White and Ivory Black are the only paints needed for several weeks. After completing the grayscale unit, students will be encouraged to purchase a full palette of color paints.
Alizarin Crimson
Cadmium Red
Cadmium Orange
Cadmium Yellow
Yellow Ochre
Viridian Green
Sap Green *
Phthalo Blue
Ultramarine BlueCobalt Blue
Dioxazine Violet
Quinacridone Red *
Ivory Black
Titanium White (Recommend a larger tube)
Burnt UmberBurnt Sienna
Additional Materials For Acrylic
Butcher tray with sidesAcrylic Retarder Gel Medium
Palette knife
Paper towels
Small spray bottle
Basic drawing materials of choice
Canvas11"x14" canvas recommended
Pad of canvas paper
With the inclusion of a personal paint apron/smock we recommend wearing clothing that you don’t mind getting paint on.Refund Policy
No refunds. Please see Art Haus enrollment form. You can also call us (801) 215-9468 or email with questions.